China Shipbuilding
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 Shipyard | Ship Building
Pola Rise LLC
Office 316a, 37a Bolshaya Morskaya Street
Saint Petersburg, Russia


Fleet   (* the fleet for reference only, details please contact with the ship owner !)
No.Ship NameShip TypeShipyardDate of Built
1Pola SevastianaGeneral Cargo Ship, 7,124 tonsNevskiy Shipbuilding, Shlisselburg2017 - 12
2Pola GaliGeneral Cargo Ship, 8,107 tonsNevskiy Shipyard, Shlisselburg2021 - 02
3Pola DudinkaGeneral Cargo Ship, 17,072 tonsJiangsu Zhenjiang Shipyard2000 - 04
4Pola AnfisaGeneral Cargo Ship, 7,649 tonsNevskiy Shipyard, Shlisselburg2019 - 05
5Pola MakariaGeneral Cargo Ship, 7,679 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2018 - 06
6Pola FivaGeneral Cargo Ship, 8,144 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2018 - 10
7Pola FilofeiaGeneral Cargo Ship, 7,728 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2018 - 07
8Pola SofiaGeneral Cargo Ship, 7,709 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2018 - 08
9Pola AnatoliaGeneral Cargo Ship, 7,678 tonsNevskiy Shipyard, Shlisselburg2018 - 12
10Pola FeodosiaGeneral Cargo Ship, 7,726 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2018 - 09
11Pola AgataGeneral Cargo Ship, 8,149 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2020 - 07
12Pola MarinaGeneral Cargo Ship, 8,148 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2020 - 09
13Pola YaroslavaGeneral Cargo Ship, 8,147 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2020 - 05
14Pola AnastasiaGeneral Cargo Ship, 8,146 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2020 - 05
15Pola HaritaGeneral Cargo Ship, 8,146 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2019 - 09
16Pola PelagiaGeneral Cargo Ship, 8,145 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2019 - 10
17Pola AlexiaGeneral Cargo Ship, 8,145 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2020 - 08
18Pola MariaGeneral Cargo Ship, 8,144 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2020 - 05
19Idel 1General Cargo Ship, 8,095 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2019 - 05
20Andrey ZuevGeneral Cargo Ship, 8,094 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2019 - 07
21Idel 2General Cargo Ship, 8,076 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2019 - 06
22Idel 3General Cargo Ship, 8,089 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2019 - 07
23Aleksandr SokolovGeneral Cargo Ship, 8,147 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2019 - 11
24Pola VarvaraGeneral Cargo Ship, 8,163 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2020 - 06
25Pola MiropiaGeneral Cargo Ship, 8,154 tonsSudostroitelnyy Zavod2020 - 09
26M. T. EfremovGeneral Cargo Ship, 7,445 tonsNevskiy Sudostroitelnyy Shipyard2023 - 12

Orderbook   (* the orderbook for reference only, details please contact with the ship owner !)
No.Ship Name (Hull)Ship TypeShipyardDate of DeliveryDate of Contract
1Pola KirienaGeneral Cargo Ship, 7,445 tonsNevskiy Sudostroitelnyy i Sudorem. Zavod2025 - 122016 - 12

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China Shipbuilding, 2014