China Shipbuilding
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 Jiangsu New Hantong HI
 China Merchants HI, Jinling
 Chengxi Shipyard
 Guangzhou Shipyard Intl. (GSI)
 Beihai Shipbuilding HI

50,000 DWT Chemical/Product Oil Tanker -- Designed by Guangzhou Shipyard International Co., Ltd. (GSI) 

The vessel is to be designed for service worldwide trading (incl. Suez and Panama Canal), transporting all types of oil products listed in MARPOL 73/78 Annex I appendix except asphalt solutions, and transporting chemicals IMO II/III (non-toxic listed in Chapter 17 of IBC code), according to Class notation and technical construction, compatible with cargo tank coating. The vessel is to be a single screw diesel engine driven with a semi-balanced type rudder. The vessel have one (1) complete upper deck with forecastle, transom stern, double hull in way of cargo tank area, double bottom to be arranged in engine room. The deck transverse beams and deck longitudinal to be arranged on upper deck in cargo tank area.


Length (o.a.): 183.0 m
Breadth mld.: 32.00 m
Depth mld.:  18.2 m
Design Draft: 11.0 m
Scantling Draft: 13.4 m
Deadweight: 50,000 ton


- 1A1 Tanker for Oil Products ESP and Tanker for Chemicals ESP, CSR, E0, VCS-2, TMON, SPM, BWM-T, BIS, PSPC (B) 

- Register information: Ship type 2, a2, b3, c2, f2, str0.075


Liquid cargo tanks: 54,000 m³
Residual tank: 250 m³
Fuel oil tanks: 1150 m³
Diesel oil tanks: 300 m³
MGO tanks: 300 m³
Ballast water tanks 18,000 m3


Main Engine: Win G&D 6X52 Tier-III
Fuel Comsumption: 21.2 t/day
Service Speed: 14.5 kn
Endurance (@14.5 kn):  14,000 n.miles


50,000 DWT Chemical/Product Oil Tanker -- Designed by Chengxi Shipyard

  • The vessel is to be designed and equipped as ocean going for a worldwide trading.
  • The vessel to be of fully welded, the deck transverse beams, girders and deck longitudinal to be arranged on upper deck in the cargo area, and to have a forecastle with bulbous stem, a vertical transom stern, a semi-balanced hanging rudder and a large-diameter, slow rotating, high efficiency fixed pitch propeller.
  • The propulsion machinery space and all living quarters including Navigation Bridge (six tiers) to be located aft.
  • Double skin and double bottom to be provided in cargo area to comply with the relative Regulation, where will be used as water ballast tanks.
  • The cargo area is divided by oil-tight vertical corrugated longitudinal and transverse bulkheads into twelve (12) cargo oil tanks, two (2) slop tanks. One (1) residual tank to be located on the upper stool..
  • The cargo oil tanks are to be segregated into six (6) pairs with six (6) independent cargo piping systems.
  • The engine room to be separated from cargo spaces by means of fuel oil tank. 


Length o.a.:  182.70 m
Length b.p.: 175.00 m
Breadth: 32.20 m
Depth: 19.10 m
Designed draft: 11.00 m
Scantling draft: 13.20 m 
Deadweight at Ts, 50,000 mt


- ABS Or equivalent


Cargo Tanks 53,500 m3
Slop Tanks 2,000 m3
Heavy Fuel Oil 1,300 m3
Marine Gas Oil 260 m3
Fresh Water 400 m3
Ballast Water 20,000 m3


Main Engine: WINGD 6X52B Tier-III (HP-SCR)
Service Speed: 14.5 kn
Fuel Consumption (14.5 kn): 20.75 t/d

Orderbook   (* the orderbook for reference only, details please contact with the shipyard !)
No.Ship's Name / Hull No.Vessel TypeOwner CompanyShipyardDeliveryContract Date
1GSI 24110040Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,900 tonsShell plcGuangzhou Shipyard Intl. (GSI)2028 - 082024 - 10
2GSI 24110038Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,900 tonsShell plcGuangzhou Shipyard Intl. (GSI)2028 - 032024 - 10
3GSI 24110039Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,900 tonsShell plcGuangzhou Shipyard Intl. (GSI)2028 - 062024 - 10
4GSI 24110044Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,900 tonsShell plcGuangzhou Shipyard Intl. (GSI)2028 - 122024 - 10
5GSI 24110041Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,900 tonsShell plcGuangzhou Shipyard Intl. (GSI)2028 - 092024 - 10
6GSI 24110047Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,900 tonsShell plcGuangzhou Shipyard Intl. (GSI)2029 - 052024 - 10
7GSI 24110037Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,900 tonsShell plcGuangzhou Shipyard Intl. (GSI)2028 - 012024 - 10
8GSI 24110043Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,900 tonsShell plcGuangzhou Shipyard Intl. (GSI)2028 - 122024 - 10
9GSI 24110042Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,900 tonsShell plcGuangzhou Shipyard Intl. (GSI)2028 - 112024 - 10
10GSI 24110046Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,900 tonsShell plcGuangzhou Shipyard Intl. (GSI)2029 - 032024 - 10
11DACKSChemical/Products Tanker, 49,900 tonsShandong Ocean (山东海运)Dalian COSCO KHI (DACKS)2027 - 022024 - 10
12Wuhu W2434Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,990 tonsUnion Maritime LimitedWuhu Shipyard2027 - 032024 - 10
13Wuhu W2432Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,990 tonsUnion Maritime LimitedWuhu Shipyard2026 - 092024 - 10
14ChanghongChemical/Products Tanker, 50,000 tonsHorizon TankersChanghong Intl. Shipyard2027 - 122024 - 10
15DACKSChemical/Products Tanker, 49,900 tonsShandong Ocean (山东海运)Dalian COSCO KHI (DACKS)2027 - 052024 - 10
16Wuhu W2433Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,990 tonsUnion Maritime LimitedWuhu Shipyard2026 - 122024 - 10
17Wuhu W2431Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,990 tonsUnion Maritime LimitedWuhu Shipyard2026 - 062024 - 10
18GSI 24110022Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,900 tonsNanjing Tanker (招商局南油)Guangzhou Shipyard Intl. (GSI)2027 - 032024 - 09
19GSI 24110025Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,900 tonsNanjing Tanker (招商局南油)Guangzhou Shipyard Intl. (GSI)2027 - 122024 - 09
20GSI 24110024Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,900 tonsNanjing Tanker (招商局南油)Guangzhou Shipyard Intl. (GSI)2027 - 102024 - 09
21GSI 24110023Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,900 tonsNanjing Tanker (招商局南油)Guangzhou Shipyard Intl. (GSI)2027 - 062024 - 09
22COSCO Guangdong N1240Crude/Oil Products Tanker, 50,000 tonsMonte Nero ManagementCOSCO HI, Guangdong2027 - 082024 - 09
23COSCO Guangdong N1238Crude/Oil Products Tanker, 50,000 tonsMonte Nero ManagementCOSCO HI, Guangdong2027 - 032024 - 09
24Jinlu 0305018Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,200 tonsChampion TankersPenglai Zhongbai Jinglu Shipyard2027 - 122024 - 09
25Jinlu 0305017Chemical/Products Tanker, 49,200 tonsChampion TankersPenglai Zhongbai Jinglu Shipyard2027 - 092024 - 09
Records: 324,   Page: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  >>

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China Shipbuilding, 2014